Top 10 Promising ICOs

Niharika Singh
5 min readNov 20, 2018

The way blockchain technology is rising is meteoric. It brought with itself an explosion of crowdsales in form of ICOs. With advancement in blockchain technology, it is becoming easier than ever to create your own token, develop a website, come up with a whitepaper and BAM! Launch a crowdsale.

The cultural shift in technology seen over the last 2–3 years is magnificent!

The pace at which innovation is taking place is breathtaking. Even someone with high erudition in technology has to keep oneself updated constantly.

Having said all this, let’s go over top 10 promising ICOs coming up with the most innovative ideas ever.

#10: Envion

Switzerland based, Envion is on a mission to solve a myriad of problems at once. Currently, crypto mining power is highly centralised facing restrictions from the government. Other issues like fixed location of hardware and limited scalability of hardware plague the traditional mining infrastructure. Envion has engineered state-of-the-art blockchain infrastructure truly decentralizing blockchain mining in a green way!

#9: TON (Telegram Open Network)

Telegram messenger one of the most widely used messenger apps in the blockchain industry with about 170 million active user base. Telegram is launching TON: a fast, scalable, user-friendly, cryptocurrency and blockchain platform. Telegram users will automatically get a TON wallet which will surely be a good way for Telegram to reach out to its large audience at once. TON claims that it can securely handle millions of transactions per (faster than Visa and MasterCard) second in a decentralised way. It uses multi-blockchain architecture underneath to deliver this performance. When TON would get big, it will automatically split into two (sharding) to keep its performance as stellar as claimed. If the two child networks wish to communicate with each other, they use a smart routing system (hypercube routing).

#8: Akropolis

Akropolis is a FinTech startup aiming to revolutionise pension infrastructure of the world in a decentralised manner. Akropolis has engineered an end-to-end pension-cum-savings protocol. The outcome of this would be; mitigating risk, reduced cost, enhanced transparency, secure financial transactions.

#7: Fetch.AI

A mix of artificial intelligence with blockchain would render a very powerful result. Fetch.AI is world’s first self-organising, smart ledger. The present-day ledgers are dumb and execution of transactions and smart contracts is slow and expensive on them. Fetch.AI performs proactive economic activity on the ledger powered by artificial intelligence.

#6: AgroTechFarm (ATF)

A very noble blockchain startup envisioning a world where everyone eats and lives healthy. ATF is making it possible to consume organic food and put a check on pollution caused by chemicals used in agriculture industry. ATF will promote growth of tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, cannabis, and other vegetation. The agro-tech industry is predicted to become a multibillion dollar industry soon and certainly, ATF can be the touchstone.


Revamping healthcare administration globally is’s goal. They have engineered a solution which improves healthcare results via effective coordination, elimination of duplication, inefficiency, waste, abuse, and fraud from the system. This ICO is especially more attractive to the insurance companies.

#4: Humancoin

Humancoin is the modern-day currency of kindness. The humancoin blockchain is run on proof-of-charity protocol. It is a philanthropic initiative which converts humancoin crypto into coupons, points, miles or bonuses. It is marketed as “loyalty program aggregator”.

#3: XinFin

A Singapore based FinTech startup aims to use Ethereum blockchain to revolutionise global trade and finance. The cryptocurrency released by XinFin is XDCE token which runs on XDC protocol. XinFin is currently working on a number of use cases like TradeFinex, E-Wallets, Remittances. XinFin makes use of hybrid blockchain architecture by forking JP Morgan’s Quorum. A hybrid blockchain picks up the best of features from the public blockchain and private blockchain.

#2: MyDFS

MyDFS is blockchain powered daily fantasy sports. Imagine all sorts of fantasy sports charts are running on blockchain, that too on your mobile. The UX of the app is simplified to make sure player of every caliber feels comfortable using it. The crypto launched by MyDFS is MyDFS toke that players use to exchange for other cryptocurrencies or fiat money in a jiffy.

#1: WePower

WePower is blockchain based green-energy trading platform where users can buy, trade, or invest tokenized energy. Renewable energy producers can seize this opportunity to raise money by issuing their own energy tokens. Consequently, this is beneficial for this planet as well as green energy consumers who can consume energy at cheaper rates than the market.

Today, the world is at a point where new ideas are brewing at a very rapid pace. Even as I write, someone somewhere might be coming up with a very innovative idea which can change the world. Investing in ICOs is as good as investing in new ideas. ICO connoisseurs and reviewers certainly have an eye for the detail. Sometimes ideas fail, and sometimes they turn into trend-setters. This is just the beginning of the blockchain epoch. We can just sit back and enjoy the ideas being put up on the stage of the world!

